Roman Dubinsky Explains How to Become a Successful Manager to ASU Students

Roman Dubinsky Explains How to Become a Successful Manager to ASU Students

The executive manager of the Sberbank Astrakhan branch told the students of the university about the importance of leadership qualities for career growth in modern companies.

Astrakhan State University has launched a series of lectures from leading regional and federal figures in business, politics and education. For example, during the open talk with Rector Konstantin Markelov, students got acquainted with the development strategy of the university and asked questions of interest. They also had the opportunity to meet a person of international level — honorary professor of ASU Anicet Gabriel Kotchofa.

During the lecture, the speaker and the audience discussed current issues of the professions of the future and necessary skills for the successful professional fulfilment.

The lecturer noted the important, in his opinion, qualities that should be paid special attention to — awareness, the ability to make decisions, teamwork, creativity, communication skills. These very qualities are taken into consideration when one is being employed for a job.

Students of Astrakhan State University actively asked questions and listened attentively to the advice from the executive manager of the Sberbank Astrakhan branch.

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