ASU Holds UNESCO Hour in Astrakhan Gymnasium No. 4

ASU Holds UNESCO Hour in Astrakhan Gymnasium No. 4

The project, developed by the ASU UNESCO Chair “Learning Society and Human Sustainable Development”, has been launched by Rector of Astrakhan State University Konstantin Markelov.

The UNESCO Hour is one of the priority programmes of ASU in the activities of the UNESCO Chair «Learning Society and Human Sustainable Development» of the university. It consists of a series of events dedicated to international days and significant dates of UNESCO. During the year, representatives of various faculties of Astrakhan State University will visit institutions of general and secondary vocational education, share their experience and knowledge with students and conduct interactive lessons and master classes.

The first meeting between schoolchildren and ASU representatives took place in Gymnasium No. 4 of Astrakhan, which is a participant of the UNESCO Associated Schools Project.

The event was timed to International Translator Day, celebrated on September 30 all over the world, as well as the recently celebrated International Day of Sign Languages.

Rector Konstantin Markelov opened the series of events. In his speech, the head of Astrakhan State University and the head of UNESCO Chair “Learning Society and Human Sustainable Development” told the students about the activities of ASU and the prospects of entering the university.

The delegation of the university also included representatives of the Faculty of Foreign Languages — Dean Nadezhda Emelyanova, Head of the Caspian Higher School of Interpreting and Translation Ulyana Saveleva and lecturer of the Department of Asian Languages ​​Dmitry Grygryshev.

They told the 9-11th grade students about the advantages of studying at our university, language opportunities and training programmes. In addition, Ulyana Saveleva and Dmitry Grygryshev held an interactive master class on sign language.

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