Floating University 2022 Scientific School Starts at ASU

Floating University 2022 Scientific School Starts at ASU

Astrakhan has become one of the five cities in Russia that are hosting lectures by leading scientists in the main areas and issues of modern oceanology, as well as face-to-face events aimed at obtaining specialized skills and opportunities for development in various areas of the marine environment studies.

Participation in the project is open for students who are engaged in earth sciences and ocean research, as well as representatives of all other specialties who wish to get acquainted with the basics of oceanology.

Welcoming the audience at the opening of the Floating University 2022 scientific school, ASU Vice-Rector for Innovation and Priority Projects Aleksey Titov said that 175 applications had been submitted for participation at the ASU site. Aleksey Titov expressed his confidence that the results of the Floating University 2022 scientific school would be useful to all participants, and the knowledge gained would find its application in further practical activities of everyone.

Participants of in the Floating University, which is taking place on February, 14-16, will get acquainted with modern oceanology, including ocean and atmospheric physics, hydrochemistry, marine biology, marine geology and underwater technology, and will also improve their skills with the help of master classes on the latest methods in data processing and analysis.

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