ASU Graduate Sergey Korotkov Shares Secrets of Success

ASU Graduate Sergey Korotkov Shares Secrets of Success

A rural German-language teacher with 37 years of experience, a school theater director, a talented children’s writer and an incredibly interesting interlocutor — our students were lucky to talk to such an extraordinary person within the project of the ASU Alumni Club.

Sergey Korotkov graduated from the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​of Astrakhan State Pedagogical Institute named after S. M. Kirov in 1984, was sent to the village of Zamyany for work and stayed there for life. However, his career was not limited to teaching: the young teacher also found himself on the stage, staging many memorable performances. And daily communication with children, interest in their affairs gave rich material for literary creativity. Sergey Korotkov began to write poetry, then fairy tales and stories from school life. His first collection Starship received several literary awards, and in 2018 the author was admitted to the Union of Writers of Russia.

In confirmation of his words, two more student friends, who are also graduates of ASU, came to the meeting — foreign language professor Nikolay Stepkin and physics and mathematics graduate Nikolay Zaretsky. They shared stories from their student days with the audience, which are now remembered with great warmth and a touch of nostalgia.

In his turn, Sergey Korotkov told the audience about his life and creative path, recalled funny cases and read several poetic and prose works, and also answered students’ questions.

Konstantin Markelov presented the guest with the gold card number 1 of the ASU Alumni Club and invited him to visit the university more often and take part in events.

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