ASU Team Wins Marine Robot Competition in Sevastopol

ASU Team Wins Marine Robot Competition in Sevastopol

Along with the MateRov competition, the first all-Russian youth school on marine robotics at SevSU included master classes, lectures by leading scientists and the conference on intelligent systems, control and mechatronics.

In common with ASU, Sevastopol State University takes part in the Priority 2030 programme for university development. One of the strategic projects of SevSU is designed for research and development of the World Ocean resources, and this makes the two universities “brothers” in a number of areas of research on the aquatic environment. Such cooperation enables faster and better R&D for strategic projects.

In addition, SevSU competed in Astrakhan at the All-Russian competitions in underwater robotics, co-organized by Astrakhan State University in early April.

During the competition, the team of Astrakhan State University with their Prometheus submersible competed neck to neck with the team of Sevastopol State University, but eventually the former took the lead by a small margin.

Later, the winners spoke about their inventions and shared the results of their work in real conditions at the conference on intelligent systems, control and mechatronics.

Institute of Physics & Mathematics