Caspian Youth Can Present Their Developments at ASU

Caspian Youth Can Present Their Developments at ASU

ASU is holding the First Caspian Festival-Competition of Startup Projects on May 13-16, 2022. The purpose of the online event is to identify the most innovative and interesting projects of students of secondary and higher educational institutions, as well as to help them explore in more detail the niche of transforming their ideas into business.

The festival was announced by ASU Rector Konstantin Markelov back in December 2021 on the sidelines of the 23rd General Assembly of the Association of State Universities and Research Centers of the Caspian Countries, held in Aktau, Kazakhstan.

Registered participants of the festival will be able to join one of the three main tracks:

1. Schoolchildren — Ready!

2. Students with scientific projects — Steady!

3. Current projects — Go!

Participants can listen to the speakers of their track and ask them questions of interest. Besides, the official page of the project will provide access to the metaverse on the days of the event, where it will be possible to get acquainted with the current innovative developments of the festival partners.

The winners of each category will receive cash prizes.

Official website of the festival:

Directorate of Information Policy and Public Relations

Boiling Point Center