Konstantin Markelov: “Partnership with DNR and LNR universities on integration into the Russian education system will continue”

Konstantin Markelov: “Partnership with DNR and LNR universities on integration into the Russian education system will continue”

The rector of Astrakhan State University has spoken about the main areas of cooperation between ASU and educational organizations of the Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics at an online meeting with Deputy Minister of Science and Higher Education of Russia Dmitry Afanasiev.

At the online meeting with representatives of higher education organizations of Russia, representatives of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education updated the programme of strategic partnership between Russian HEIs and the universities of the DNR and LNR. Its main areas include:

  • organizing advanced training and professional retraining courses for the teaching staff, researchers and employees of administrative and management departments, including ones dedicated to the Russian language;
  • implementing double-degree programmes for students and Ph.D. candidates;
  • cooperating in implementation of educational standards of Russia in educational institutions of the LNR and DNR, developing new educational programmes;
  • ensuring access of the republics’ universities to electronic library databases and teaching materials;
  • providing consulting assistance on legal regulation in education;
  • organizing joint research;
  • implementing social adaptation programmes, socio-psychological assistance and rehabilitation of student youth, faculty staff, administrative and teaching support staff of educational organizations, exchanging best practices of socialization, patriotic education and creating conditions for the maximum self-fulfillment of students;
  • information and media cooperation.

The rector of Astrakhan State University also said that in early June, after the completion of the international scientific forum “Caspian Region 2022: Sustainable Development Trajectories”, which will also involve representatives of the DNR and LNR education sector, an ASU delegation, headed by the rector and staff members of pedagogical units, is going to visit the Luhansk People’s Republic.

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