ASU and SCSS Discuss Possibilities of Opening Advanced Engineering School

ASU and SCSS Discuss Possibilities of Opening Advanced Engineering School

Representatives of the Southern Center for Shipbuilding and Shiprepairing were shown classrooms and laboratories of the university, accompanied by Vice-Rector for Digitalization, Innovation and Priority Projects Aleksey Titov and Acting Director of the Institute of Physics and Mathematics Aleksey Rybakov, and also took part in a pitch session.

Astrakhan Tatishchev State University welcomed Anatoly Mishanov, the Director-General of the SCSS, Aleksey Kiselev, the Head of the Department of Technical Development and Technological Regulation, and Yuliy Makhonina, the Acting Head of the HR Training and Development Department. They visited several laboratories of the university — robotics, electronics, microprocessor technology, design and prototyping, materials science and technical control. Representatives of the university told the experts about the developments that are being created and promoted there.

Having visited the laboratories, the representatives of the Southern Center for Shipbuilding and Shiprepairing were shown the logistics center and told about the active work of the university in the field of artificial intelligence.

The tour around the university continued with a pitch session, involving ASU Rector Konstantin Markelov. Aleksey Rybakov reviewed the import-substituting projects that the university can offer. In his turn, Aleksey Titov told the audience about the federal programme of advanced engineering schools and initiated a joint discussion of an application for a subsidy for its creation with the business partners.

In addition, the vice-rector for digitalization, innovations and priority projects spoke about the areas in which ASU works, university’s participation in various grant competitions like the Strong Ideas for the New Times, financing and equipping laboratories with new equipment, interaction with partner universities and university recognition.

A protocol will be drawn up upon results of the meeting and sent to the Southern Center for Shipbuilding and Shiprepairing.

Directorate of Information Policy and Public Relations