ASU Students Meet with Representatives of the Center for Combating Extremism

ASU Students Meet with Representatives of the Center for Combating Extremism

Students of the Faculty of Economics and Management of Astrakhan Tatishchev State University took part in the open-talk lecture “Prevention of Extremist and Terrorist Manifestations: Patriotic Education of Youth.”

The meeting with representatives of law enforcement agencies was opened by Vice-Rector for General Affairs and Integrated Security Mikhail Anishko.

Andrey Belousov, Head of the Department of the Center for Combating Extremism of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Astrakhan Region, gave the students specific examples of how fakes are created and what are the consequences of disseminating false and illegal information on the Internet. The students were given recommendations on what to do in case of discovery of information resources that contain extremist. The students watched the topic-related videos and asked their questions of interest.

The head of the department for social support of youth of the Directorate of Youth Programs and Projects Svetlana Balamutova told the students about the organization of events in the field of youth policy. She stressed that she sees the burning eyes of the students of the Faculty of Economics and Management and their desire to directly participate in the implementation of various initiatives relating to society as a whole. Svetlana Balamutova invited students to good cooperation in order to reveal their creative, professional, and intellectual potential.

Faculty of Economics and Management