ASU Representatives Take Part in 2023 Moscow International Salon of Education

ASU Representatives Take Part in 2023 Moscow International Salon of Education

Lyudmila Baeva, Vice Rector for Research Activities, and Ekaterina Khakimova, Director of the Scientific Library, attended the opening ceremony of the Moscow International Salon of Education MMSO.EXPO-2023 and discussion session «Glocalization: A New Reality».

The Forum’s business programme included master classes, presentations, and lectures. The event was attended by school teachers, higher school teachers, business representatives and managers in the field of education. Successful cases, current issues, and the latest trends were discussed on the Forum’s platforms.
Representatives of Astrakhan Tatishchev State University attended the opening ceremony of MMSO.EXPO-2023 and participated in several discussion sessions.
The first section was dedicated to the Priority 2030 programme; its goals and targets, the success of its implementation in universities, existing issues and problems. The second section, «Digital Environment vs. Digital Infrastructure of Educational Organization: What’s the Difference?» addressed the creation of comfortable and affordable conditions for education, the upbringing of younger generation, and the training of qualified personnel with new knowledge and skills.

The section «On-Campus Media Breakthrough: An Open Talk on How New Media Platforms and Bloggers Are Changing Communication Ecosystem of Higher Education and Science» touched upon communication in education as a success factor and competitive advantage. The section «Digitalization of Education and Variation of National Digital Solutions in Present Environment» focused on:

  • globalization and localization;
  • state services in the education system;
  • import substitution in education;
  • new services and digital solutions for the educational process.

University Management