Pavel Astakhov about Orphans & Patriotism

Pavel Astakhov about Orphans & Patriotism

Dr. Pavel Astakhov, Children’s Rights Commissioner for the President of the Russian Federation, has visited Astrakhan State University. Our students have asked him a whole number of serious and relevant questions.

Dr. Astakhov’s meeting with students of the Law Department and the Department of Pedagogics, Social Work and Physical Training has been held at the Assembly Hall of ASU.

Dr. Astakhov has quickly conquered the hearts of his student audience by sharing his impressions of his first visit to ASU, which he considers to be very productive. The Children’s Rights Commissioner has expressed his view-point on the issue of orphanhood in Russia and on the foreign policy of our country; he has also emphasized how much attention legal authorities pay to young people’s potential, when they set themselves the task to increase the living standard of Russian people.

As Dr. Astakhov has remarked, the main problem of an orphan asylum, whatever splendid it might be, is impossibility for kids to live a normal life. Speaking about differences between lives of orphans and lives of family-raised kids, the Children’s Rights Commissioner has said that a lot depends on the present-day generation now. The distinguished guest has also told that the entire situation concerning orphanhood in Russia is now becoming better; there are some regions in Russia where just one orphan asylum has remained. He pointed out that it is essential to bring up young people as patriots of their country.

The meeting has been held in an informal setting; our students have enjoyed it. At the end of the event, Dr. Tatyana Khramova, First Vice Rector of ASU, has declared the decision of e Academic Council of ASU to confer the rank of the Honorary Professor of Astrakhan State University on Dr. Pavel Astakhov.

Russian original information source: Yuri Garanov (the Press Service of ASU)
Russian original photo source: Tatyana Vasilyeva (the TV Media Center of ASU)

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (the Center of Translation Studies & Conference Interpreting “ASTLINK” of ASU)