2014 Spring Forum of Graduates' Employment

2014 Spring Forum of Graduates' Employment

In late May, the 2014 Spring Forum of Graduates’ Employment has been held at Astrakhan State University.

Dr. Nikolay Khurchak, ASU’s Vice Rector for International Relations, has emphasized in his speech that employment issues and ways to tackle them are becoming increasingly important in Russia; our University pays much attention to its graduates’ employment.

The issue of employment has been under consideration at a round-table talk. A number of HR officials of both legal authorities and private companies have taken part in it. The participants have discussed issues to increase the efficiency of activities aimed at employment of graduates of Astrakhan Region’s higher educational institutions. They have remarked that legal authorities, universities, and regional business companies have gained solid experience to provide the right conditions for young people’s choice of their future professions. The labor market is constantly being monitored to create a database of vacancies of university graduates. Vacancy Fairs, Career Days, and Employment Forums are regular events in Astrakhan Region both for employers and for their future employees.

During the Spring Forum of Graduates’ Employment, a Vacancy Fair has been held; it represented over 586 vacancies. Our students have also taken part in the master class “Self-Presentation: How to Pass Job Interview Successfully”.

There has also been a good concert program provided by our Department of Pedagogics, Social Work, & Physical Training. The Forum participants have proved that students of Astrakhan State University have the right professional and creative competencies, thanks to which they are of high demand at the regional and the national labor markets.

Russian original information and photo source: the Center of Career Planning of ASU

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (the Center of Translation Studies & Conference Interpreting “ASTLINK” of ASU)