Our Students Arrange Holiday for Kids

Our Students Arrange Holiday for Kids

On June 01, 2014, the Department of Pedagogics, Social Work, & Physical Training of ASU gave an animation show in one of Astrakhan’s shopping malls.

It was participants of the pedagogical team “Impulse” (it operates at the Department) who have arranged this event. Upon their graduation, they are going to be social workers and specialists in culture studies; many of them will work with teenagers. These students were chosen to arrange this event, because they gained rich experience in animation performances and because they have excellent pedagogical skills. That is why a practice-oriented approach has been applied to the holiday event organization; it has been included into our students’ summer practical training program.

Animation sites have been deployed at three floors. Students-animators wearing costumes of well-known fairy tale and cartoon characters were entertaining and amusing little kids; they suggested that kids danced or played with them. Kids were delighted to do all the game tasks. The most active kids got plush gifts.

“I like working with kids; we get such a huge return! Our mission is not just to make fun for a kid - we should make them leave us pleased, and we cope with this task well!” this is what Elena Tseplyaeva, a future social worker, told us.

“The day’s been very eventful and hard, but all the hardships of animation work fade away when you see how glad kids are”, Oxana Bolotskih, another future social worker, shares her impressions.

Thus, talented and active students of the Department of Pedagogics, Social Work, & Physical Training have donated an unforgettable holiday to a plenty of kids.

Russian original information and photo source: K.R. Ekshembeeva (the Department of Pedagogics, Social Work, & Physical Training of ASU)

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (the Center of Translation Studies & Conference Interpreting “ASTLINK” of ASU)