New Presidential Retraining Program Launched at ASU

New Presidential Retraining Program Launched at ASU

On June 09, the Presidential Retraining Program for Engineers “Innovative Technologies of Energy & Resource Saving for Exploration Works at Industrial Enterprises” was launched at Astrakhan State University.

The program is to be delivered to staff of Astrakhan Region’s companies engaged in engineering, construction, and fossil recovery.

Dr. Tatyana Mordasova, Chief of the Presidential Program Administration Center at ASU, has congratulated the trainees on the beginning of their studies. During the opening ceremony, a film about Astrakhan State University has been presented. Mr. Boris Boldyrev, General Manager of the ATISIZ Company, has told about his enterprise that has been doing exploration works to build dwelling and industrial constructions for over half a century.

The Program “Innovative Technologies of Energy & Resource Saving for Exploration Works at Industrial Enterprises” is supervised by Professor Oleg Serebryakov, D.Sc. in Geology & Mineralogy, Full Member of the International Academy of Mineral Resources, Correspondent Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, and Head of ASU’s Chair of Geology, Hydrogeology, & Geochemistry of Combustible Fossils.

The goal of this Presidential Program is to develop top-priority trends in modernization and technological development of Russia’s economy. Our University runs educational programs in such top-priority specialties as enhancement of energy and resource saving, development of medical and information technologies.

In 2014, ASU will run seven retraining programs for engineers; they are to be supervised by top members of our faculty. 105 engineers and other technical staff members are going to cover them. 14 specialists will cover a practical training program in Russia, while 7 other specialists will do that outside Russia.

The programs are funded with subsidies of the federal budget (US$97k) and by a whole number of Astrakhan Region’s shipbuilding, plant-growing, and ICT companies.

Thus, Astrakhan State University, being the largest university of Astrakhan Region, is becoming of high interest among qualified engineers who wish to cover unique Presidential Programs.

Russian original information source: M.A. Kolokoltseva (the Unit of State Order of ASU)
Russian original photo source: Andrey Shevelyov (the TV Media Center of ASU)

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (the Center of Translation Studies & Conference Interpreting “ASTLINK” of ASU)