Contest “Best Union Organizer of Southern Russia – 2014” Opened

Contest “Best Union Organizer of Southern Russia – 2014” Opened

The contest “Best Union Organizer of Southern Russia – 2014” has officially been opened today. Students’ delegations from 12 universities of Southern Russia have come to Astrakhan State University to claim the title of the best union organizer.

An excursion up and down our University has been an unofficial start of the event. The guests have been shown lecture halls, research centers, and labs. Our TV Media Center, hostels, and medical facility have especially impressed the guests. Faculty staff and students of our Historical Department have worked as guides.

After the excursion, the participants of the contest could watch the mass dancing flash mob arranged by the Union of ASU and dedicated to Halloween. Twenty students dressed as vampires and sorceresses have danced students’ popular compositions; their dance was accompanied with potpourri. The dancing number was followed with a lunch at the Clear Water Restaurant at ASU’s campus; then all the guests went to see Astrakhan’s city sights. This excursion was arranged by our Department of Social Communications.

Then all the participants went to the Berezhok Recreational Facility, where the contest was officially opened. They are to spend three days there; they will have to pass through difficult tests to reveal their professional, creative, and intellectual qualities: Self-Portrait, Infographics, Union Meeting, Flash, and the Surprise Contest. It is these tests that shall reveal the winner.

The event has been arranged jointly by the Students’ Coordination Council of the Southern Federal District, by the Astrakhan Regional Organization of Faculty Staff Union, by Astrakhan State University, and by the Union of ASU.

Russian original information source: Yuri Garanov (the Press Service of ASU)

Russian original photo source: Tatyana Vasilyeva (the TV Media Center of ASU) and Vladislav Leushin (the Students’ Portal of ASU)

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (the Center of Translation Studies & Conference Interpreting “ASTLINK” of ASU)