How to Fight Extremism?

How to Fight Extremism?

In late November 2015, a meeting of reps of Astrakhan Region’s legal authorities and public organizations with our junior students has taken place at Astrakhan State University; it concerned prevention of extremism among young people.

Professor Galina Stefanova, First Vice Rector – Vice Rector for Main Activities of ASU, has warmly welcomed the participants. She has pointed out that the skills to do the right things in case of a dangerous situation are becoming more and more crucial nowadays.

Mr. Anver Almaev, Chairperson of the Astrakhan Regional Public Organization of Tatar Ethnic Culture, has given our students valuable advice how not to be deceived by an extremist organization. He has emphasized the fact that members of terroristic organizations choose mainly young people with a weak will, who could easily be brainwashed, as their victims. He has pointed out that terrorists exert a powerful brainwashing impact at a very high level. First and foremost, they send their victims SMS and social network messages that do not request them to do anything; then they call them requesting to do some minor things for them; afterwards they use any possible means of impact, up to hypnosis. One must not contact such people under any circumstances; otherwise, the consequences can be hazardous.

Mr. Kanat Shantimirov, Chief of the Regional Governor’s Administration and Deputy Chairperson of the Regional Ethnic Confessional Council, has told about various threats that await young people nowadays. “As extremists set themselves the task to cause fear and terror among population all over the world, your task is to be aware of the international situation, to estimate current events objectively and rationally, and to take care of your souls”, he said.

All the speeches given by reps of legal authorities and religious institutions have emphasized that terrorism has no ethnic, religious, or racial identity. Terrorism derives from conscience of people who lost their life goals and priorities, whose notion of good and evil are deformed and marred. To overcome this horrible phenomenon, efforts by law enforcement agencies are not sufficient, unless everyone becomes fully aware of the evil nature of terrorism and extremism.

As for our students who have listened to all the speeches, they have given a definitely positive feedback and said that they are ready to follow the obtained recommendations and advice.

Russian original information source: T.Yu. Gavrilkina (the Directorate of Research & Innovative Activities of ASU)

Russian original photo source: T.I. Antropova (the TV Media Center of ASU)

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (the Center of Translation Studies & Conference Interpreting “ASTLINK” of ASU)