Conference in Commemoration of Alexey Dmitrievsky at ASU

Conference in Commemoration of Alexey Dmitrievsky at ASU

A scientific conference in commemoration of the Secretary of the Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society, Rector and Vice Rector of Astrakhan’s first university, Correspondent Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences – Alexey Afanasyevich Dmitrievsky – has taken place at Astrakhan State University.

The event has been opened by Mr. Mikhail Kalinin, Executive Officer of the Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society, and by Mr. Grigory Manevich, Director of the Museum of this Society. A number of reports related to life and work of Alexey Dmitrievsky has been given by Russia’s top specialists in the clerical history, philosophy, and theology – Dr. Natalya Sukhova from the Saint Tikhon’s Orthodox University of Humanities, Dr. Sergey Akishin (Academic Secretary of Ekaterinburg Theological Seminary), Rev. Roman Skolota (Chief of the Missionary Department of the Astrakhan Eparchy of the Russian Orthodox Church), and Prof. Alexander Glazkov (Head of the Chair of Philosophy of Astrakhan State University). Several students of our Historical Department have also given their reports, which were of real interest for the audience.

Thanks to this event, it has become possible to commemorate our eminent countrypeople whose merits were once undeservedly forgotten.

Russian original information and photo source: the Department of Social Communications of ASU

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (the Center of Translation Studies & Conference Interpreting “ASTLINK” of ASU)