Academy of Professional Growth for Astrakhan’s Students

Academy of Professional Growth for Astrakhan’s Students

The Student Academy of Professional Growth has been opened at Astrakhan State University; not only students of ASU, but also young people studying at Astrakhan State Technical University and at Astrakhan Social Pedagogical College have become its trainees.

The young people’s studies began with the Assessment Center package, which was delivered by Mr. Fedor Ulanov, who directs the Tandem Center of Psychological Development in our city. The assessment included various exercises, roleplays, and trainings. For example, when the trainees were to write a matrimonial advertisement, they learnt skills of time management and stress-resistance. Working on their joint project, they were to demonstrate their leadership qualities and systems thinking abilities. Thanks to various tasks, the young people could identify their strengths and weaknesses, analyze their personal qualities and preferences. Their behavior was assessed by both themselves (by completing a self-assessment form) and by outside observers.

During their studies, the trainees acquire both teamwork and public speaking skills. Training in Rhetoric is delivered by Dr. Irina Svechnikova, an Associate Professor of the Chair of Literature of ASU.

A large number of other interesting events awaits the trainees.

Russian original information and photo source: the Center of Career Planning of ASU

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (the Center of Translation Studies & Conference Interpreting “ASTLINK” of ASU)