Roundtable in National Security

Roundtable in National Security

On April 19, 2016, the roundtable “Current Issues of Business & Economy: Security as Factor of Sustainable Development” has taken place at the Alexander & Maria Clinical Hospital of Astrakhan Region.

The event was initiated by the Chair of National Security of Astrakhan State University; it was backed by Atyrau State University (Kazakhstan), by the Ministry of Finance of Astrakhan Region, by the Astrakhan Chamber of Trade & Commerce, and by the Chamber of Physicians of Astrakhan Region. The range of participants included university professors, researchers, students, management and staff of various enterprises and institutions.

Dr. Viktor Akishkin, who heads the Alexander & Maria Clinical Hospital of Astrakhan Region and the Regional Chamber of Physicians, has welcomed the participants and remarked: “There are certain risks in our everyday lives and economic space; those risks should be considered and analyzed to take action. Our economy is now in its dynamic balance, but there are particular objective challenges; our government’s economic strategy shall determine if we can exist as a country within the next 50 to 70 years”. He also gave a report concerning medical aid security management in multi-profile medical institutions under present-day conditions.

Prof. Igor Bolotnikov from the Chair of National Security of Astrakhan State University has told about the role played by the ambulance service, about medical aid provided in emergency situations, and demonstrated a video about that.

Prof. Ravil Arykbaev, who heads our Chair of National Security, has concerned financial security of the market of medical services. He paid special attention to consumers’ choice of medical services, as well as issues related to medical insurance. His speech was followed by that of Ms. Suriya Chalova, who is in charge of financial and economic issues at the Alexander & Maria Clinical Hospital.

Prof. Lyudmila Kashirskaya from our Chair of National Security has been the roundtable expert; she has shared her knowledge of business audit under present-day conditions.

Recapping the roundtable, Dr. Akishkin pointed out that such events should be held as frequently as possible, since thanks to them people can exchange their opinions, learn, and gain experience. “We should move on, as once we assessed issues of national security, we could suggest solutions to them”, he said. In his turn, Prof. Bolotnikov remarked that the participants of the current event not only analyzed the versatile notion “national security”, but also could ask a question addressed to management and staff of a corresponding institution. Reps of Astrakhan State University thanked Prof. Arykbaev for arrangement of this roundtable, pointing out that it would contribute to our students’ education considerably.

Russian original information and photo source: K.R. Ekshembeeva (University Web Resources Information Support Laboratory of ASU)


Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (the Center of Translation Studies & Conference Interpreting “ASTLINK” of ASU)