Business Managers & Civil Servants of Astrakhan Region to Enhance Qualifications at ASU

Business Managers & Civil Servants of Astrakhan Region to Enhance Qualifications at ASU

In middle May 2016, the professional training courses for civil servants of Astrakhan Region’s legal authorities and for managers of local business companies “Regional Management: Formation of Sustainable Competitive Advantage of Companies & Areas” were launched at Astrakhan State University.

Mr. Igor Evshevskiy, Chief of the HR Civil Service Directorate of the Administration of Astrakhan Region’s Governor, greeted the trainees warmly. In his welcoming speech, he pointed out that such professional training programs are of great value for the regional economy. “I’m well-aware of a high level of delivering managerial, economical, and other disciplines, as well as training for adults at ASU”, he remarked, “There’s a smart Presidential Program there. Serious work with qualified specialists is being done in Astrakhan Region, and these courses shall certainly contribute to competitiveness of those who covered them”.

Dr. Inna Akhunzhanova, Director of the Institute of Strategy & Competitiveness of ASU, presented the specific features of the newly launched program to the audience. She pointed out that the paradigm of forming the right professional competences for civil servants has changed over the last years considerably. Now there is a prevailing viewpoint that a civil servant can work efficiently only provided he or she applies business technologies in the public sector. This is what the new training program aims at; its goal is to form competitive business competences for modern managers and public officials to apply in their further activities. As the courses are intended for an adult audience, classes are delivered as trainings and business visits; they apply technologies of self-management and self-organization.

In her turn, Dr. Tatyana Mordasova, Chief of the Center of Qualified Management Training Administration Programs of ASU, pointed out that the key task set for this professional training program is to systemize the trainees’ knowledge of regional management from the viewpoint of sustainable areal development. According to her, the delivery of this program will make it possible to form a team that “speaks” a professional language and that exchanges resources and technologies on a mutually beneficial basis.

The professional training courses shall be delivered at ASU from May 17 to June 16, 2016. They include 72 academic hours and 4 modules: Cluster-Oriented Approach, Practice-Oriented Approach, HR-Oriented Approach, and Modern Professional Communications. Upon their completion of the training program, the trainees shall obtain a certificate of official standard.

Russian original information and photo source: T.Yu. Gavrilkina (University Web Resources Information Support Laboratory of ASU)

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (the Center of Translation Studies & Conference Interpreting “ASTLINK” of ASU)