Student Garden Founded at ASU

Student Garden Founded at ASU

On April 22, 2017, the Student Garden was founded in the village of Nachalo in Astrakhan Region, where Astrakhan State University has its ground area.

В АГУ заложен Студенческий сад

This event was arranged to develop the Center of Biological Resources & Agricultural Technologies of ASU and contribute to the Year of Ecology in Russia in 2017. The United Council of Students of our University played an active role in it.

В АГУ заложен Студенческий сад

The Student Garden occupies three hectares; it applies the technique of intensive farming. Students of all the Departments of ASU took part in the opening ceremony. At the initial stage (in April), about 200 young plants were planted (mainly apple and pear trees with different time of ageing – early, medium, and late) in 1.3 ha. At the second stage (in September and October), 500 young plants will be planted; those will be edible seed and stone fruit cultures. Staff of ASU’s Center of Biological Resources & Agricultural Technologies will take care of the Garden, as well as our students.

В АГУ заложен Студенческий сад

According to the event organizers, this project has no analogues. The founding of the Student Garden, just as other events that our University arranges, contributes to our students’ socialization.

В АГУ заложен Студенческий сад

Russian original information source: the Official Web Resources Support Directorate of ASU

Russian original photo source: I.I. Vorontsov (the TV Media Center of ASU)

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (the Center of Translation Studies & Conference Interpreting “ASTLINK” of ASU)