Dr. Leonid Podvoyskiy from ASU Participates in Presidium Meeting of Russian Philosophical Society

Dr. Leonid Podvoyskiy from ASU Participates in Presidium Meeting of Russian Philosophical Society

A meeting of the Presidium of the Russian Philosophical Society (RPS) recently took place at the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Dr. Leonid Podvoyskiy from Astrakhan State University (the Chair of Philosophy) took part in it.

The meeting agenda included celebration of anniversaries (45 years of the Soviet Union’s Philosophical Society, 25 years of the RPS, and 20 years since the beginning of Russian congresses in Philosophy and since the Bulletin of the RPS was established, as well as Russian delegates’ preparation for the upcoming 14th World Congress of Philosophy to be held in Beijing (China) on August 13-20, 2018 and for the next Russian Congress of Philosophy.

Л. Я. Подвойский стал участником заседания Российского философского общества

Dr. Podvoyskiy, who chairs the Astrakhan Branch of the RPS and is a member of the RPS Presidium, was granted a letter of commendation “For Significant Personal Contribution to Development of Russian Philosophy & for Active Participation in Activities of Russian Philosophical Society”.

Our Congratulations!

Russian original information and photo source: the Department of Social Communications of ASU

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (the Center of Translation Studies & Conference Interpreting “ASTLINK” of ASU)