Our Volunteers at Festival of Astrakhan Cuisine

Our Volunteers at Festival of Astrakhan Cuisine

Students of the Department of World Economy & Management of Astrakhan State University specializing in Tourism and Hotel Administration have taken part in the Gastronomic Festival of Astrakhan Cuisine “Caspian Roach – 2017”.

Волонтеры ФМЭиУ на фестивале астраханской кухни

The event was held in Astrakhan Region for the first time. Our students were in charge of several objects on four sites related to tourism, gastronomy, ethnography, and fishing. Together with their peers from other educational institutions, our volunteers were the connecting link between the event organizers, participants, and visitors.

We would like to thank the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Astrakhan Region and the Astrakhan Tourism League, which assists local tour operators and travel agents, for such a good opportunity to take part in this remarkable Festival.

Волонтеры ФМЭиУ на фестивале астраханской кухни

Russian original information source: the Department of World Economy & Management of ASU

Russian original photo source: the Department of World Economy & Management of ASU;

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (the Center of Translation Studies & Conference Interpreting “ASTLINK” of ASU)