Our Students Succeed at International Competition in Economics

Our Students Succeed at International Competition in Economics

The team of the Department of World Economy & Management of Astrakhan State University has taken part in the second (final) stage of the Open International Student Internet Competition, which was held as an online test. Dr. Elena Fedorova of ASU was the research supervisor of the team.

This event is held on an annual basis; it is arranged by the Russian National Accreditation Agency.

The 2nd stage of the Competition took place at 36 basic universities. For Astrakhan Region, the corresponding site was Volgograd State University.

Over 150 people took part in the 2nd stage to compete in Statistics, whereas over 160 students contested in Economics & Management.

Успехи студентов ФМЭиУ на международной олимпиаде

As a result of the Competition, our team received the largest number of medals:

  • Alina Shembetova – gold in Statistics; gold in Economics;
  • Elvira Shembetova – bronze in Statistics;
  • Zifa Shakirova – bronze in Economics;
  • Marina Skakunova – bronze in Economics.

According to the event organizers, our team became the most outstanding team!

Let us thank the professors of the Chair of Economic Theory of ASU, who teach their students so efficiently.

Our Congratulations!

Russian original information and photo source: the Department of World Economy & Management of ASU

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (the Center of Translation Studies & Conference Interpreting “ASTLINK” of ASU)