Applied Scientific Conference in Biology Takes Place at ASU

Applied Scientific Conference in Biology Takes Place at ASU

Astrakhan State University, together with Vyatka State University and the Papanin Institute for Biology of Inland Waters of the Russian Academy of Sciences, has held the 3rd International Applied Scientific Conference “Ecology of Biosystems: Issues of Research, Indication, and Forecasting” dedicated to the 85th anniversary of ASU.

Over 80 researchers from China, Azerbaijan, Belarus, and Russia have taken part in it. The main goal of the Conference was to share experience between the specialists who research the structural functional organization of natural and artificial communities, interaction of their components, and regularities of their structural and morphological changes. Another key goal was to learn about a large range of scientific achievements in the field of forecasting and fundamental assessment of the ecological state of various biocenoses under the current conditions.

During the Conference, modern tendencies in the field of bioindication of the state of biosystems were under consideration, as well as new techniques that make it possible to assess the overall anthropogenic impact upon live natural and artificial objects.

The Conference agenda also included the section “Biomorphology of Plants” dedicated to the 95th anniversary of Professor Tatiana Serebryakova. The discussion concerned biomorphological transformation of vegetation owing to environmental factors. Besides, three field excursions took place: Russia’s Desert Landscapes, Natural Complexes of Western Near-Steppe Ilmen Lakes, and Biomes of Central Part of Volga’s Delta.

A collection of the participants’ research papers had been published by the beginning of the Conference.

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Russian original information and photo source: the Biological Department of ASU

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (REC “Caspian Higher School of Interpreting & Translation” of ASU)