Professor of Artois University Visits ASU

Professor of Artois University Visits ASU

Professor C?cile Carra from Artois University has visited Astrakhan State University.

The distinguished French guest’s visit aimed to discuss further cooperation in the field of students’ mobility and the joint double-diploma program. Such programs are a splendid chance to gain international experience and obtain two diplomas at once, which shall certainly enhance one’s competitiveness at the labor market. Thus, should the outcomes of the visit meet the set goal, students of our University shall be able to spend one or two terms at Artois University without terminating their studies at ASU.

Визит профессора Университета Артуа в АГУ

During her visit, Prof. Carra also took part in the seminar related to issues of violence in various social groups; the event took place at our Department of Pedagogics & Social Work. In her speech, she concerned quite a topical issue that France has had to face over the last years – patients’ violence against medical staff. This theme was of real interest for the audience; it triggered a vivid discussion.

A special excursion to see the sights of Astrakhan was arranged for our French colleague. She has also been to the fair of agricultural produce that has taken place in the village of Nachalo not far from Astrakhan.

Russian original information and photo source: the Institute of Language & Communicative Business Strategies of ASU

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (REC “Caspian Higher School of Interpreting & Translation” of ASU)