Day of Russian Science: Awards to Scholars of ASU

Day of Russian Science: Awards to Scholars of ASU

On Feb. 08, 2018, Mr. Alexander Zhilkin, Governor of Astrakhan Region, granted awards to top researchers of Astrakhan Region for their extraordinary merits.

An honorary diploma by Governor of Astrakhan Region has been granted to Prof. Yuri Tarasevich, D.Sc. in Physics & Mathematics, Chief of the Laboratory "Mathematical Modeling & ICT in Science & Education" operating at Astrakhan State University.

Награды учёным АГУ в День российской науки

An honorary diploma by the Ministry of Education & Science of Astrakhan Region has been granted to Prof. Anatoliy Likhter, D.Sc. in Technology, Head of the Chair of General Physics of ASU, for his contribution to the development of science and resolution of social and economic issues in Astrakhan Region.

Награды учёным АГУ в День российской науки

Our Congratulations to Prof. Tarasevich and Prof. Likhter!

Russian original information source: the Directorate of Research & Innovative Activities of ASU

Russian original photo source:; the Directorate of Research & Innovative Activities of ASU

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (REC “Caspian Higher School of Interpreting & Translation” of ASU)