Greenhouse Built at Technopark of ASU

Greenhouse Built at Technopark of ASU

Students of the Department of Agribusiness, Technologies, & Veterinary Medicine of Astrakhan State University can now grow crops in an open soil, which enables them to run new experiments. The greenhouse will make it possible for them to grow an early harvest independently on the local climate.

Our future agronomists have been working on the experimental landsite for several years. Besides the landsite, they have a field for garden and vegetable crops. Last year, our students collected money at their own initiative to purchase 650 young trees. Now about 30 sorts of pears and apples are grown at our University Garden.

В Технопарке АГУ появилась собственная теплица

В Технопарке АГУ появилась собственная теплица

Research experiments are performed on both the landsite and the field. The young people aim to nurture new sorts or enhance the existing ones. In particular, our people worked to increase the size of watermelons last year. Our Technopark gives them each and every opportunity to carry out research – our labs, our equipment, our professors’ expertise. Besides their classroom studies, our students are always carrying out practical assignments. They cultivate the land, take care of plants, and grow harvest. The Technopark of our University has advanced agricultural machinery, and our students learn to handle it – for example, to drive a tractor.

В Технопарке АГУ появилась собственная теплица

The greenhouse is not the only new thing at our Department. A new specialty, which unites agriculture and robotics, is expected to be launched. It is Agricultural Mechatronics; our students already tried to collect information from fields with a drone. They ran that experiment together with their peers who study at our Institute of Researches & Solutions to Technological Tasks.

В Технопарке АГУ появилась собственная теплица

В Технопарке АГУ появилась собственная теплица

В Технопарке АГУ появилась собственная теплица

В Технопарке АГУ появилась собственная теплица

Russian original information and photo source: the Directorate of Information Policy of ASU

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (REC “Caspian Higher School of Interpreting & Translation” of ASU)