Teachers of Astrakhan Learn about Information Promotion of Products

Teachers of Astrakhan Learn about Information Promotion of Products

Astrakhan State University has hosted the seminar “Projects Promotion Technologies in Media Environment”. The event was held as part of the Festival of Science & Innovations that ASU holds this April.

The training program for secondary school teachers of our city was delivered by faculty of our Chair of Theory & History of Journalism. All the information was divided into four blocks.

Dr. Ekaterina Lazutkina told about the role of media planning in product positioning and about prospects of its application in the educational process.

Dr. Galina Belolipskaya, Head of the Chair, presented a special type of web publication – the longread – and advised how a teacher could apply it in practice.

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The event participants learnt about specifics of providing information for audience of different age and status. Dr. Nailya Baybatyrova emphasized verbal and nonverbal components of a presentation.

In her turn, Dr. Irina Fadeeva told how to create material interesting for present-day students of secondary schools, considering with their world perception. She suggested applying educational quests, which could help kids master new material efficiently.

Let us remark that such seminars have already become a good tradition for our Chair of Theory & History of Journalism. The next event will take place on May 30; it will concern specifics of preparation and presentation of research findings.

Russian original information and photo source: the Directorate of Information Policy of ASU

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (REC “Caspian Higher School of Interpreting & Translation” of ASU)