People of ASU Learn Our French Colleagues’ Experience in Teaching Kids with Special Needs

People of ASU Learn Our French Colleagues’ Experience in Teaching Kids with Special Needs

The Department of Pedagogics & Social Work of Astrakhan State University has received guests from France. People of ASU and their French colleagues took part in a conference held on May 15 at Astrakhan’s Boarding School #3 for children with special health needs.

The main goal of the meeting for our French guests was to share their pedagogical experience with their Russian colleagues. Dr. Tatyana Simonova, Head of our Chair of Remedial Pedagogy, chaired the conference. Headmaster of the school, teachers and social workers gave their reports. They told about everyday studies of kids with special needs and their prospects to continue education at other educational institutions, as well as about distance education, special development programs, and importance of extracurricular activities for them. Our French guests shared their experience in this sphere. The reports were followed with a productive discussion.

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Students of the boarding school prepared a surprise concert for the conference participants; they performed songs in the language of gestures. They surprised the audience with their good scene performance skills and donated a good mood to everyone. Our students helped them talk with the conference participants by acting as interpreters of their gestures.

After the conference, our French guests were shown the facilities of ASU.

Russian original information and photo source: the Department of Pedagogics & Social Work of ASU

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (REC “Caspian Higher School of Interpreting & Translation” of ASU)