French Specialists Intend to Go On Cooperating with ASU

French Specialists Intend to Go On Cooperating with ASU

Mr. Konstantin Markelov, Acting Rector of Astrakhan State University, met a delegation from France that has just arrived at ASU to share experience.

Our French guests from the INS HEA, the well-known institution in France dedicated to people with disabilities and special educational needs, have spent several days in Astrakhan. Our Department of Pedagogics & Social Work received them warmheartedly. During their visit, the distinguished guests will give lectures to our students, visit Astrakhan’s boarding schools for kids and teenagers with special needs, and take part in scientific conferences and roundtables.

Французские специалисты нацелены на дальнейшую работу с АГУ

Meeting our Acting Rector, Mr. Frédéric Reichhart, head of the delegation, remarked: “We are very interested in cooperation with people of Astrakhan State University; it would develop academic mobility between universities. We already gained experience in faculty and student exchange programs; now we’d like to perform research activities on a joint basis. It’s a real pleasure for us to work with you”.

In his turn, Mr. Markelov remarked that cooperation in research is one of the main tasks ASU set itself.

Французские специалисты нацелены на дальнейшую работу с АГУ

Our French guests already have ideas to perform joint activities; in particular, Russia’s experience in creation of an inclusive society is very important. Mr. Markelov pointed out that ASU pays much attention to the inclusive approach not only in the field of scientific research, but also in the area of providing accessible education. Our web portal shall be enhanced to make it as convenient for all the groups of population as possible. It is crucial to develop distance education, which would be a good option for people with special needs.

Mr. Reichhart pointed out that a university ought to lead in the development of inclusive education; the intercultural approach might be very interesting in this field. Both parties have experience that should be shared.

As a result of this meeting, the two parties agreed on further research activities. Our French guests are even planning to hold a large scientific conference at ASU.

Французские специалисты нацелены на дальнейшую работу с АГУ

Russian original information and photo source: the Directorate of Information Policy of ASU

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (REC “Caspian Higher School of Interpreting & Translation” of ASU)