PhD Programs of ASU Provide New Prospects

PhD Programs of ASU Provide New Prospects

Astrakhan State University provides a lot of opportunities to get education. Numerous bachelor and master programs make it possible for anyone to choose whatever profession they prefer and become a competent specialist in that field. The most goal-oriented can continue their education at our PhD courses.

The third level of higher education differs from a common image of students’ everyday life. A postgraduate student has much more freedom in studies, yet bearing much more responsibility for their education – they have to determine an urgent field of research, develop the theme of their future theses, run experiments, and make the right conclusions based on those experiments. Thus, a postgraduate student gains real research experience and can make a discovery on their own.

There are 67 PhD programs as part of 20 major specialties at ASU. One can perform research activities in practically any sphere – from Math and Physics to studies of culture. PhD courses are available to anyone who has obtained a specialist or master diploma in any field; the desired PhD specialty does not have to coincide with the previously obtained education.

However, future PhDs prefer to develop within the same field. This is the main goal of our PhD courses – to give a real opportunity to obtain a profound knowledge within the selected specialty and advance to a higher professional level.

PhD courses make it possible to take part in scientific events (conferences, seminars, etc.) and use library stocks. Upon their completion, a graduate becomes a PhD. This degree entitles to:

lecture at universities;

perform research activities at various institutions and organizations;

receive bonuses for having a degree in addition to your basic salary;

receive higher honoraria for writing research papers and preparing educational materials;

claim a Doctor of Science degree.

In general, successful completion of a PhD Program proves that a researcher has made considerable progress in their field and is able to identify topical areas of their further growth.

Nowadays research activities, which may be performed thanks to PhD courses, are urgent. As our region is undergoing rapid development, it needs researchers capable of introducing innovations and developing science in all the spheres. Besides, there are more and more prospects related to academic mobility; links between Astrakhan and other countries and regions are developing as well. A postgraduate of today can discover a whole world of new opportunities, whereas our material base can contribute to training of a successful researcher and provide him or her with all the opportunities for career growth.

Russian original information and photo source: the Directorate of Information Policy of ASU

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (REC “Caspian Higher School of Interpreting & Translation” of ASU)