ASU First Year Students Were Informed about Health Strategies

ASU First Year Students Were Informed about Health Strategies

On October 11, 2018 the research library reading hall of the ASU Innovative Institute of Natural Sciences hosted a round table discussion «Your Health is in Your Hands» with the first year students of the Biology Faculty.

Lyudmila Myasnyankina, an Associate Professor of the Department of Physiology, Morphology, Genetics, & Biomedicine, talked about protection and strengthening of human health. The students watched with great interest a presentation and a film dedicated to the influence of environmental factors on our health, to prevention of «social» diseases (cardiovascular pathologies, diabetes, cancer), as well as to mechanisms that cause addiction to bad habits such as drugs, alcohol, tobacco and AIDS, the 21st century catastrophe.

The discussion was held in the form of a dialogue that involved all the participants. At the end of the event, the students got acquainted with the book exhibition dedicated to health protection.

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Research and Study Materials Department of the Innovative Institute of Natural Sciences