Astrakhan State University Proves High Level of Its Pedagogic Squads

Astrakhan State University Proves High Level of Its Pedagogic Squads

An ASU representative took part in the All-Russia forum «Innovative Forms of Training Camp Counselors for Organizing Children’s Rest and Recreation», held in the Volgograd State Socio-Pedagogical University, a coordination centre for training camp counselors of the Southern Federal District.

The event gathered 80 experts in training camp counselors and 100 activities of student pedagogic squads from 17 regions of Russia. Astrakhan State University was represented by Elena Tarabanovskaya, an Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogics & Continuing Professional Education.

The forum aims at consolidation of best practices of training camp counselors, as well as discussion of prospects of creating an efficient pedagogic environment in educational institutions and conditions for children’s rest and recreation in the Russian Federation.

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The organizers also ran the District School on Best Practices and Problems of Pedagogic Support of Organizations and Structures of the Russian Movement of Pupils and the Young Army Cadets National Movement in the Southern Federal District. Issues of training pedagogical staff were raised at discussion platforms; the programme also included a round-table discussion "Content and Experience of Research & Pedagogic Expert Analysis of Children’s Rest & Recreation Programmes", an exhibition of the best practices "Training and Support of Camp Counselors: Traditions and Innovations" and various master classes.

Faculty of Pedagogics & Social Work

Photo: courtesy of the forum participants.