ASU Representatives Participate in the All-Russia Forum "Students’ Russia"

ASU Representatives Participate in the All-Russia Forum

Astrakhan State University students joined the ranks of the most responsible and active young people from across the country who gathered to share their experience and learn something new and interesting.

The event took place in Moscow Polytechnic University and gathered active students from more than 70 regions of Russia. Astrakhan State University was represented in such categories as "Student Self-Governance", "Team" and "Open Education".

The students participated in the forum training courses on personal growth.

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The main results of the forum "Students’ Russia" were enhanced managerial skills of its participants in the area of understanding of the development of modern metacompetences and an elaborated roadmap on development of the Association of Students and Student Unions of Russia for 2019. Besides, the cooperation agreement between the Russian Union of Youth and the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science resulted, among other things, in establishment of the National Council of Student Commissions on Education Quality, joined by the ASU Students’ Council for Quality of Education as well.

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Directorate for Extracurricular Activities & Student Initiatives Development