ASU Students Attended Lectures by a Saratov Professor

ASU Students Attended Lectures by a Saratov Professor

Astrakhan State University held a research seminar "Urgent Issues of Applying Methods of Classical and Quantum Mechanics in Biophysics".

Classes for BA, MA and Ph.D. students, as well as for teachers of the Faculty of Physics & Technology were given by Kiril Berezin, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences and Full Professor of Saratov State University named after N.G. Chernyshevsky.

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The lecture course was dedicated to the issues of solving the task of studies on infra-red and Raman spectra of vegetable oils and identifying the dependence of linoleic acid/ oleic acid ratio in the mixture of olive and vegetable oil on spectra parameters, as well as to research papers in the sphere of searching suitable substances for biotissue transparency.

Such seminars are planned to be held on a regular basis.

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Faculty of Physics & Technology