Lawyers-to-be Compare Electoral Legislations of Russia and Turkmenistan

Lawyers-to-be Compare Electoral Legislations of Russia and Turkmenistan

The Electoral Commission of Astrakhan region held a meeting with students of the ASU Law Faculty within the framework of the celebration of the 25th anniversary of the RF Electoral System.

At the event, supported by the ASU Department of Theory & History of State & Law and Department of State Legal Disciplines, the students learnt about the formation and development of the Russian electoral system, which was actually originated by the RF Constitution. The guests also learnt about the main activities of electoral commissions and innovations that appeared in the electoral sphere in the past 25 years.

The ASU foreign students, who were also invited to take part in the meeting, asked some questions about peculiarities of the electoral process in the Russian Federation and, in their turn, told the participants about electoral procedures in the Republic of Turkmenistan.

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Law Faculty