ASU Became a Platform for Regional Labour Union Meeting

ASU Became a Platform for Regional Labour Union Meeting

The University held the 10th plenary meeting of the Astrakhan Regional Organization of the Labour Union of Education, Academic and Research Workers of the Russian Federation.

The participants considered the issue of fulfillment of the obligations, set for 2018-2020, of the industrial agreement between the Ministry of Education and Science of Astrakhan region, the Regional Industrial Union of Employers of Public and Municipal Educational Institutions and the Astrakhan Regional Organization of the Labour Union of Education, Academic and Research Workers of the Russian Federation in 2018. Tatiana Bugreeva, the President of the Regional Labour Union Organization, stressed the importance of the agreement for organization of a system of efficient social partnership and collective agreement regulation of social and labour relations in educational institutions.

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Vitaly Gutman, the Acting Regional Minister of Education and Science, actively participated in a discussion after the Regional Labour Union Organization President’s speech. He mentioned constructiveness of cooperation between the labour union and public authorities and outlined prospects of further cooperation, in particular, within the framework of the implementation of top-priority projects “Digital School” and “Teacher of the Future”.

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At the meeting, the participants also adopted a resolution on convocation of the 7th regional report-and-election conference of the Astrakhan Regional Organization of the Labour Union of Education, Academic and Research Workers of the Russian Federation, approved a plan of the organization activities and the amount of contributions of trade union membership fees for 2019 and decided a number of other issues.

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