Konstantin Markelov Became Father Frost and Declared the Year of Creativity at ASU

Konstantin Markelov Became Father Frost and Declared the Year of Creativity at ASU

The ASU Cultural Centre held a New Year’s party for the university employees. The guests enjoyed a cosy atmosphere, friendly smiles of the organizers, a decorated tree, creative photo zones and, of course, a performance by ASU teachers, administration staff and students, who made the audience feel like in a fairy tale.

Happy songs and dances energized the audience, and ASU students gave another proof that they both make progress in their studies and are always ready to demonstrate their creativity.

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The ASU celebration was attended by many fairytale characters — the Snow Queen, Little Red Riding Hood, witches, etc. But where is Farther Frost, the main host of the party? Being tired of waiting, Baba Yaga and Vasilisa found him among the audience themselves, having googled his description. High, gray-haired and kind — that is what the New Year’s wizard is. And, accompanied by the audience applauses, Konstantin Markelov, the ASU Acting Rector, walked out on the stage. He heartily congratulated the colleagues on the upcoming holidays and declared 2019 the Year of Creativity at Astrakhan State University. It means that a creative component will be in all projects, new programmes and interesting meetings. The Rector thanked the concert organizers for this impressive ending of the year and the bright future they inspired the audience to.

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Lyudmila Kasiyanova, the ASU Labour Union Chairperson, also took the floor to congratulate her colleagues and wished warmth, happiness, joy and care both in family and at work. On behalf of the Labour Union, she promised that ASU will do its best to support each and every employee.

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