Astrakhan State University Revives Its Bard Club

Astrakhan State University Revives Its Bard Club

The bard movement participants gathered at ASU on New Year’s Eve for the first time this century; the meeting gathered both veterans of the bard club "Delta" and youth fans of this musical tradition.

Anatoly Likhter, the Head of the Department of General Physics who organized and hosted the event, reminded the guests about the history of the Astrakhan bard club. The song authors and performers also reached back to these memories, stressing that the club eventually came back home — to ASU. The first part of the concert was performed by acting participants of the bard club — students and the university employees. Then the floor was given to "patriarchs" of the Astrakhan bard movement — those who were Delta members in 1970-1980s. Konstantin Markelov, the ASU Acting Rector who initiated the revival of the bard club, also joined the performers.

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"The best thing in the bard song is that it’s not so important if you sing or play well. The most important thing is your soul and mood. This music makes people closer and unites them, and that means this club must exist at ASU if life itself requires it!" the Rector said.

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