ASU Books Are Presented at the Russian Press Day Exhibition

ASU Books Are Presented at the Russian Press Day Exhibition

The Agency for Communication and Mass Media of Astrakhan Region traditionally invites regional publishers, publishing and printing houses to present their products at its annual exhibition.

Along with the publishing house "Astrakhan University", the exhibition involved the printing houses "Volga", "Nova", "New Line", Astrakhan Printing Company, Publishing House of the Astrakhan State Technical University, as well as the publishing houses "Astrakhan" and "Kaspy".

The exhibition was attended, among other guests, by Sergey Morozov, the Governor of Astrakhan region ad interim.

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The ASU Publishing House exhibited a rich exposition, consisting of study guides, research and reference books, which reflects the whole range of majors offered by the university. These are works of professors, teachers and researchers of ASU and other Russian HEIs. Since 2004, the Publishing House has been a member of the Publishing & Printing Association of Russian Universities.

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One of the most important activities of the Publishing House is issuing literature on regional studies — papers on history, flora and fauna, geography and culture of the region. The research scope covers both Astrakhan region and the Caspian Sea region.

Besides, there is a series of books for foreign students. It should be recalled that Astrakhan State University trains more than 2,000 citizens of other countries, both from non-CIS countries and from the Caspian states.

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