Another Recognition of Educational Ties between ASU and Iran

Another Recognition of Educational Ties between ASU and Iran

From November 7, 2018 to January 17, 2019 Farsi students of Astrakhan State University, guided by their Farsi teacher Vladimir Kulakov, undertook language courses at the University of Guilan, Rasht.

15 students of the ASU Faculty of Foreign Languages, Historical Faculty and Faculty of Social Communications completed courses in the history of the Persian culture, Farsi grammar, classical literature, modern literature, Farsi phonetics and word formation, Iranian mass media and business writing.

In addition to the classes, the administration of the University of Guilan organized a cultural programme for our students. They were shown such local places of interest as Masuleh, Anzali, Rudkhan Castle, Lahijan, visited large Iranian cities, e.g. Tehran and Isfahan. The students also learnt about Shab-e Yalda, a national festival, participated in scientific conferences and meetings of foreign students of Iran.

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At ASU, such academic programmes have been run and supported by Aleksandr Mukhin, a professor of the Department of Asian Languages, for many years. The student exchange between ASU and the University of Guilan ensures better training of competent specialists and building regional cultural and economic ties.

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Faculty of Foreign Languages