ASU Rector Konstantin Markelov Congratulates on the Russian Students’ Day

ASU Rector Konstantin Markelov Congratulates on the Russian Students’ Day

Dear teachers, students, staff members of Astrakhan State University! Let me wholeheartedly congratulate you on this holiday!

Studentship is one of the most joyful and lively periods in life, yet one of the most challenging. During this very period, you lay foundation of your future career, meet important people and get new opportunities.

From its very establishment, Astrakhan State University has opened a reliable path to success to its students and remains Alma Mater for many generations of merited professionals.

I promise you that the university will keep providing its students with all opportunities for self-fulfillment and gaining up-to-date knowledge. Networking with foreign partners, cooperation with major regional enterprises, creative, scientific and social projects allow ASU to remain one of the most attractive HEIs for getting decent education in our region. I’m glad that every year new generations of young people choose Astrakhan State University, and I promise that we will support the worthy quality level achieved.

I wish ASU students a plenty of high points in life, inspiration and excitement in implementing their plans, sympathy of family and friends and success in everything! Be happy and keep well!

Konstantin Markelov, the Acting Rector of Astrakhan State University