Astrakhan State University Runs a Specialized Course for Managers

Astrakhan State University Runs a Specialized Course for Managers

On January 28, the ASU Faculty of Business & Economy launched an advanced training programme «Project Management in Public Civil Service» for employees of the Astrakhan Regional Duma.

Konstantin Markelov, the ASU Acting Rector, explained the essence of project management to the audience and dwelled on its specificity in the public civil service.

The course has four modules with application of the most advanced training methods — training sessions, panel discussions, binary lectures, role plays and briefings. The programme also implies a master class on forming critical thinking and preparing speeches and presentations. The attendees will both have traditional classes and benefit from constant communication at an educational online platform.

At the end of the study course, the participants will present their group projects on urgent issues of project management in practical activities to the administration of the Astrakhan Regional Duma.

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Faculty of Business & Economy