Center-Invest Awards Its Scholars at ASU

Center-Invest Awards Its Scholars at ASU

Four students have joined the ranks of 400 holders of the scholarship, which was aspired to by 1,100 applicants from 17 universities of Southern Russia. The award ceremony took place on January, 30 at Astrakhan State University, and the winners were congratulated by Pavel Matveev, the Director of the Volgograd Branch of Center-invest Bank.

The Bank has been awarding the “smart scholarship” since 2003 in cooperation with the financial endowment “Education and Science of the Southern Federal District”. The project aims at finding and supporting talented and initiative students who can later become the backbone of the nation. 4,500 people have already been financially supported. This year, ASU has become a new partner of the project, and for the first time our students have joined the ranks of the scholarship winners.

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Pavel Matveev congratulated the students and stressed the importance of using all the opportunities for development and self-fulfillment from the very studentship. Intellectual potential of the younger generation is of great value at the labour market now, and the Center-invest representative assured Bank’s readiness to support initiatives of the youth.

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The scholarship applicants were challenged to prove their level, completing a number of difficult tasks; for example, they passed a business test, presented a business model of their achievements and a strategy for future development.

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The organizers called the scholarship holders for staying strong in the pursuit of their goals because this award is just their initial step on a long and productive path, leading to new achievements, particularly as there are a lot of opportunities around. Pavel Matveev told the students how they can become trainees at Center-invest Bank and what interesting career prospects it offers.

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