Information Security Projects of an ASU Student Are Recognized at Federal Level

Information Security Projects of an ASU Student Are Recognized at Federal Level

Students of the ASU Department of Information Security have been among awardees of the all-Russian competition of young specialists and educational centres in the sphere of information security "Infoforum. New Generation" for the fourth year in a row. This year, Zafarzhon Nosirov, a MA student of Astrakhan State University, has also been among the best.

The award ceremony took place on January, 31 and February, 01 in the Government of Moscow within the framework of the large information forum "Infoforum 2019".

The awardees of the nomination "Student of the Year" were selected by the expert scientific council of the forum together with the Federal Academic Union of Russian HEIs on Education in the Sphere of Information Security for excellent academic progress and participation in research and scientific activities.

Zafarzhon Nosirov, a MA student of the ASU Department of Information Security, has 18 publications in different scientific journals and collections. The student also has several certificates on state registration of software programs. In 2018, he won the all-Russian competition of youth projects.

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Having the grant support from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation and the Federal Youth Agency, Zafarzhon is developing a project, aimed at promoting Russian education at international level. He successfully participates in IT and information security competitions.

A total of 15 winners from all over the country were selected by the expert jury of the competition "Infoforum. New Generation". It should be noted that only the Southern Federal District was represented by about 60 participants. Along with the certificate, the awardees were invited to undertake a traineeship at Sberbank with an access to its unique scientific library, as well as to participate in a workshop on information security.

Along with the award ceremony, the forum programme included plenary sessions, where the participants discussed urgent issues, connected with information security.

Directorate of Information Policy