Teachers of Village Schools Will Study Financial Literacy at ASU

Teachers of Village Schools Will Study Financial Literacy at ASU

The Faculty of Pedagogics & Social Work of Astrakhan State University has launched the advanced training course "Methods for Teaching Financial Literacy to Different Target Groups of Population".

About 60 village teachers of different districts of Astrakhan region were enrolled at the course. The programme aims at raising financial literacy of village dwellers, as well as improving trainers’ competences in teaching financial literacy in comprehensive educational institutions.

Implementation of the programme became possible thanks to the ASU victory in the contest for selecting educational platforms (educational organizations) to train teachers of village schools on request of the Foundation for Enterprise Restructuring and Financial Institutions Development.

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The courses, organized at ASU, imply a wide range of forms for interaction with the audience — interactive lectures, seminars, practical classes, workshops, master classes and in-public presentation of projects.

Upon successful completion of the course, the village teachers will have basic knowledge of financial literacy, including special knowledge of agricultural financial literacy, will know how to give classes on financial literacy for pupils of comprehensive educational institutions, including those located in the countryside, with active involvement of population into agricultural production; they will be able to organize and carry out educational activities, related to financial literacy, with different target groups of rural population.

Faculty of Pedagogics & Social Work