Rector Konstantin Markelov Congratulates ASU on the Day of Russian Science

Rector Konstantin Markelov Congratulates ASU on the Day of Russian Science

Dear scientists and scholars of Astrakhan State University! Let me congratulate you on your professional holiday. Today we are celebrating this occasion in honour of those who drive humanity’s progress and pierce the mysteries of the universe.

For many centuries, these have been thinkers, researchers and scientists who have been bringing the light of truth and making the greatest discoveries, making the world a better place.

I am very glad that Astrakhan State University plays an important role in development of the Russian science. Doctors and candidates of sciences, as well as Ph.D. students form a united professional team and keep on working hard and facing challenges of our time.

Your tactful guidance raises new talents, and these are you who enrich the Russian scientific elite with new names. You serve a model for the younger generation, they seek their inspiration from you and gain experience.

Scientists of Astrakhan State University are deservedly respected by their Russian and foreign colleagues. ASU researchers are involved into the most urgent study fields, and we are among the scientific leaders in the region.

You have implemented a lot of successful projects, carried out important research and reached outstanding achievements, and new horizons and uncharted areas are yet to be mastered. The university administration is ready to support you and is very grateful for your hard work and essential contribution to development of the Russian science.

Today, we are also addressing the most heartfelt words of gratitude to our colleagues from Russian HEIs and other scientific and research organizations. I am sure that our partnership will become broader and more fruitful over the years.

Congratulations! I wish you good health, support from like-minded people, time and energy for implementing new ideas, success and recognition!

Konstantin Markelov, the Acting Rector of Astrakhan State University