ASU Meets Guests from Mangystau College of Tourism

ASU Meets Guests from Mangystau College of Tourism

Students from Kazakhstan, who came to Astrakhan State University to undertake a language course, were shown the main building of the university.

The foreign guests took the course from January, 28 to February, 2 at the Department of English Language for Humanities. Within the training course, ASU teachers gave practical classes in English and country studies and organized a virtual tour around Astrakhan region in English.

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The Unit of International Cooperation in Implementation of International Projects, in their turn, organized an introductory tour for the university guests — they visited the Innovative Technological Center to Create Multimedia Content, Scientific Library, Sports Centre and a number of scientific and educational units of the university.

After the excursion, a few Kazakhstani students expressed their desire for studying at ASU.

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Project Office of International Cooperation & Development