ASU Students Present the Results of Their Research to Leading Russian Archaeologists

ASU Students Present the Results of Their Research to Leading Russian Archaeologists

On February 6-8, Kurgan State University held the Ural-Volga Archaeological Student Conference. A delegation from Astrakhan State University participated in its events, and our History students presented their reports to the scientific community.

Starting from the Soviet period, the conference has served one of the most well-known platforms for meetings of Russian archaeologists, creating new projects and educating adequate successors. It should be noted that Astrakhan was the conference venue two times — in 1982 and 2006, the latter brought together the largest number of participants in the history of the conference.

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In 2019, archaeologists have met for the 51st time. This year, the conference has brought together more than 120 speakers from 29 cities of Russia and Kazakhstan. Astrakhan was represented by three 2nd-year BA students of ASU, guided by Dmitry Vasiliev, Candidate of Historical Sciences and an associate professor of the Department of Russia’s History.

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The conference involves both HEI students and professional archaeologists from leading scientific and educational centres of Russia. The programme includes master classes and lectures on archaeological issues — ceramics, mathematical methods in archaeology, accurate recording methods, restoration, etc. In a word, the conference is really a unique event which gives students an opportunity to gain first-hand knowledge, present their research to the scientific community and become a part of a single archaeological network, which will help in their career and achievement of scientific objectives afterwards.

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Directorate of Information Policy

Photo: courtesy of the conference participants and the conference VK page.